The Advocacy files!
With a huge amount of help from Keeper of the Peak, we’ve worked with Peak District MTB to compile The Advocacy files – to highlight some of the great work the two groups have been involved with in the local area.
It’s great to see a growing number of riders aware of the work that Ride Sheffield and Peak District MTB do, but many are unaware of the details. We partner with various landowners, councils, user groups and other stakeholders on a variety of different projects – those people deserve some credit too!
We’ve split out some of the different projects to explain the process behind each one. This should help riders to understand who owns what pieces of land and trails, which local advocacy group(s) carried out different jobs and which other groups have helped out along the way.
There’s also a big political element to this. Mountain bikers often get the sole blame for erosion and there’s a perception that we’re all irresponsible hooligans. We needed evidence to demonstrate the contrary, with the Advocacy Files ticking that box perfectly too.
Click here to download the Advocacy Files pdf
Please read, discuss, share and shout about it! We’d like as many mountain bikers to read about and understand what we’re up to. Peak District MTB and Ride Sheffield are blazing the way in terms of mountain bike advocacy and we’d love for other groups around the UK to learn from our successes and mistakes.
We’re keen to hear feedback too, so get in touch.
Ride Sheffield
Website :
Facebook :
Twitter : @ridesheffield
Email :
Keeper of the Peak
Website :
Twitter: @kofthep
Email :
Peak District MTB
Webiste :
Facebook :
Twitter : @peakdistrictmtb
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