Ride Sheffield Winter Social
With the clocks going backwards this weekend and winter starting to slip its frosty and damp ways back into our lives, it must mean that it is almost time for the winter social! So make sure you keep Monday 26th of November free from about 7.30pm onwards.
For those that have not been before, it usually starts with a bike jumble (so bring along anything you have to sell), it is a chance to hear about what we have been up to and what we have planned for the coming year, it’s also a good chance to hear from organisations that we work with such as the city council’s ROW team and the Wildlife Trust. Once the meeting is out of the way its time for the quiz and raffle, with awesome and numerous prizes donated from the local bike shops/industry. Here is a report on last years social https://ridesheffield.org.uk/2011/11/winter-social-and-quiz-packed-out/
It will be more of the same, with quite a few extras this year (the quiz may even have a physical challenge!) and we will be announcing the full agenda nearer the time, as well as keeping you updated about the prize fund through Facebook and Twitter. Watch this space for more info too.
Monday 26th November/ 7.30pm/ The Lescar