Winter Social – 26th November 2018
The Winter Social has long been a part of the fabric of Ride Sheffield, it’s a great chance for us to tell you what we have been up-to and what we have planned for the coming year and more importantly, getting your thoughts and feedback on the direction we should be going in. But is also a good opportunity to catch up with friends, have a couple of beers and chat bikes, not to mention win great prizes in the quiz and raffle too.
This year will be our 9th winter social (maybe we need a big party for our 10th birthday next year) and we have been trying to keep things fresh and interesting for you, to make it as enjoyable as possible. So what can you expect this year….?
New Venue
Firstly we have a change of venue, we will be meeting at the Showroom/Workstation in the Mezzanine area (Doors will be open at 7pm). Its great as it gives us a bit more space to move around, it means you can all see what is going on and is a little more comfortable and its nice and central too. We will have our own bar set up in there as well as a mech stand for ourselves and Bolehills as well as the human quiz machine (more on that later!)
We will be kicking off with a quick review of what we have been up to, as well as key updates on Cut Gate and Redmires as well as the other project areas, as well as a quick chat about Wharncliffe too. Once w have rattled through that and John has taken us through the speed AGM we will be on to one of the newer aspects of the evening.
We want the social to be interesting and relevant, so it is on that not that we thought it would be good to invite a handful of local riders, racers and industry types to have a lighthearted and freewheeling chat about the future of mountain biking. Imagine a Ted talk on mountain biking after Ted has had a couple of pints and has brought some of their mates on stage too! We would like you to submit the questions that will frame the chat via email or Facebook.
So who have we got to chat to us?
- Bex Baraona – Ibis Enduro Race Team, Gowaan Gals and currently ranked number 5 in the world EWS rankings
- Josh Lewis – Santa Cruz Enduro Team, 50;01 – world traveler, EWS racer, filmed and rider extraordinaire
- Julia Hobson – Juliana Bicycles Ambassador, and owner and chief MTB Guide at Endless Trails. A hardcore rider that brings the good vibes to the trails
- Jordan Gould – Bike Track, former 4x world cupper turned enduroist who is responsible for finding the flow in some of our most loved trails in the city as chief designer and digger with Bike Track.
- Duncan Philpott – Photographer – From maths student to travelling the world photographing the best on the World Cup and EWS circuits (and a lot more in between)
- Jon Dallow – SCC, Jon has been instrumental in driving the Outdoor City and particularly mountain biking forward in Sheffield. Surfer, climber, runner and now rider, with a great understating of managing activity in the outdoors.
Once the chat is over, there will then be the opportunity to hang out, have a drink, chat to us in person (better than in from of the crowd), visit the human quiz machine (this year its how many questions can you answer in 2 minutes!) but some merch and a some raffle tickets, before we hand out prizes and call the evening to a close.
Agenda – 26th November 2018
- 1900 – Doors Open
- 1930 – Welcome and where we are heading in 2019
- 1950 – AGM
- 2000 – SHRED Talk
- 2100 – Hang Out – speed quizzing, mech, raffle tickets, beers, chats and more
- 2140 – Quiz Prizes handed out and Raffle Drawn
- 2200 – Close
- Showroom Workstation -15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX