RADmires – The Story So Far

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, the RADmires fund is already up to just under £7000! The Winter Social was a tremendous success raising £1800 in one night and since then donations via Paypal and bank transfer have continued at a steady pace. We’ve also received a big boost with a major contribution from Cotic bikes swelling the coffers by over £2000.
But we need to keep that steady stream of money coming. Remind your friends if they haven’t yet contributed, if you take anyone up to Lady Canning’s, explain how it was funded by mountain bikers and have a quick look down the back of the sofa, see if there’s a few quid there you can chuck in the pot!
The faster we can come up with the money, the faster we can get building. Everyone seems pretty stoked with phase one of the Lady Canning’s project, phase two should begin in the spring so let’s keep the momentum going – give us yer money!!
….and here’s how!
Click here for the Paypal donation buttons
or donate using the Ride Sheffield Bank Details:
or via Paypal using – ridesheffield@gmail.com
Thank you for all the money donated so far!!