February Trail Day – Greno Woods
This months trail day will be in Greno Woods on Saturday the 6th. While most of the trails are running pretty well at the moment, there are a few areas that could do with a little tlc to improve drainage etc. We are still waiting on the contractors who did the felling to tidy up the last bit of their work, but as it is too wet for machinery to go in there currently we are just going to have to wait. So there may well be another Greno Trail Day soon. As well as a couple of evening in the run up to the soon to be announced Peaty’s Steel City DH.
Please bear in mind that this will mean that there will be rolling closures on the trails so please keep an eye out for signs and respect the temporary closures.
We will be meeting on Saturday the 5th of February at 10 am in the top (Wharncliffe) Car Park on Woodhead Road and will be working on the trail until approximately 2pm. If you follow the Facebook event we will give an order of the trails we will be working on so you can meet us on the trail if you are running late.
Lunch will be provided for all that attend thanks to Shore Lines. Please let us know if you plan to attend via the Facebook Event or by email at info@ridesheffield.org.uk.
All tools will be provided, please make sure you are suitably dressed for the work.
If you want to bring bikes, there will also be the opportunity for an informal ride afterwards too.