We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You….
It’s been an amazing couple of years for Ride Sheffield, busy and yet incredibly satisfying. We’ve raised a pile of cash so that we’re almost ready to build a trail in Redmires Plantation above Stanage, with Vulcan Engineering and Avanti Conveyors donating big money. But we couldn’t have done it without mountain bikers digging deep too.
Completing a total rebuild of Blue Steel in Lady Canning’s in the middle of winter was testament to the fact that Bike Track are a bunch of grafters. But to then build the GoOutdoors Cooking on Gas trail and keep it secret until the day it opened was real cloak and dagger stuff. But we couldn’t have done it without your crowd-funded generosity.
We’ve had trail maintenance days all over the place, Greno Woods, Lady Canning’s, Fox Hagg and on Blackamoor, with lots of willing workers helping out. We’ve held meetings with both riders and local businesses to discuss how we can keep the funds flowing in order to maintain trails both built and natural. And every time, you’ve pitched in with enthusiasm.
We came up with the idea of repairing the Bog of Doom on Cutgate, enlisted the help of our good friends Peak District MTB, persuaded the BMC to add it to their Mend Our Mountains campaign and then launched the whole thing at the Houses of Parliament. Now we need to raise the money. See? We need your help again!
Next Monday is the Ride Sheffield Winter Social and your chance to let us know how we’re doing. Are we concentrating on the right issues? How do we reach out to the riders who have no idea what Ride Sheffield has achieved and, most importantly, get them to contribute? How do we maintain the trails we’ve built? Are there issues you feel we’re not addressing?

Ride Sheffield has done an amazing job over the last seven years, from winning round SCC Rights of Way team to making friends with land managers in the Eastern Peak to building trails at Greno and Canning’s. But we’re nothing without our membership. Come along and have your say next week, contribute as little or as much as you like and help us ensure the next seven years are as fruitful as the last.
Winter Social details HERE
Cutgate Appeal details HERE
Trail fund details HERE