Ride Sheffield Winter Social 2017
With just a couple of weeks to go until our winter social we thought it was about time to share a few more details about this years social. We are going to be meeting on the 4th of December from 7pm onwards and we will be back in our spiritual home The Lescar.So what have we got in store for you this year? Well we will have the usual updates on what we have been doing for the past year, we will be chatting about our trails and asking you for feedback on them, looking at plans for Bolehills and we will be giving you a progress update on RADmires and a few other things too.
We are also looking to where we can be doing in the future…? As local riders, your input and help in what we do is such a massive part of how we can do what we do. Ride Sheffield has been around for nearly seven years now and we feel we have done a decent job of representing you as riders; but we feel like we can do even more and that is where you come in! You may have been involved in the Radtax meetings we had in the summer either as a rider or a business and you gave us lots of good things to think about. So after some distilling of ideas we now have plan to put to you about how you can help us grow mountain biking in Sheffield, either by offering time, money or both! Your feedback is vital to the success of this next big stage.
After a brief run through of our AGM, we will then move on towards the infamous quiz and raffle, with lots of amazing prizes donated by the local MTB industry and shops. We may have a couple of bigger items to auction which we will mention in advance of the meeting.
We will also have our usual merchandise on sale before and during the meeting and the opportunity to sign up as a supporter too.
- 7.00pm – Doors open – Come grab a beer or even a bite to eat before things get started
- 7.30pm – Meeting – Covering all of what we have mentioned above and maybe more
- 8.30pm – AGM – A quick run through of the formalities
- 8.45pm – Panel Chat – Once the meeting is over we will be sticking round at the front for a while to so you can come and chat to us in a more informal way (and sign up for things)
- 9.15pm – Quiz
- 9.45pm – Raffle and quiz prize giving
As well as all the formal stuff and the chance to give you info and for you to help shape the direction we work in, its also great chance to celebrate our work and the awesome MTB community that we have in Sheffield, as well as a chance to catch up with friends and have a beer in good company, not to mention winning some excellent prizes thanks to all our generous supporters
See you on the 4th