UK Premiere: Cam Zink’s Reach For The Sky
A few years ago one of the treats of the MTB calendar in Sheffield was the (usually annual) trip down to the showroom to see the latest MTB blockbuster. This usually provided the opportunity to see the big films several months before they came out on DVD (remember those?). But the best thing was the collective experience, 300 people’s gasps because of a bone crunching slam or an audacious line choice really added to the experience.
But as media has changed, with the influx of shorter edits, our choice has never been greater and out attention spans now demand much more from the longer edits. Along with a few big productions that have failed to meet the hype and free premiers on some of the bigger websites has pretty much ended the MTB film night out! (we are still fortunate enough to have SHAFF and Cycle to the Cinema)
Fortunately, local importers Hookit Products are trying to bring it back; so more on the latest film night here….
Hookit Products (Sensus’ UK distributor) are excited to announce that they will be hosting the UK premiere of Cam Zink’s feature length biopic, ‘Reach For The Sky.’ The event will be held at The Auditorium,Sheffield University’s Student Union Cinema with seats limited to 380. Hookit Products will also be doing prize giveaways and the opportunity to win some signed merchandise from the man himself, Cam Zink. In true Sensus style we have made sure that there is a bar on site. The show starts at 8:30pm, Thursday 15th October, so make sure you put it in your diaries.
‘Reach for the Sky’ is Ryan Cleek’s second feature-length film – an emotional roller coaster ride that digs deeply into the roots of Zink’s ambition and then launches full speed into a well-paced and edited drama that follows Cam from boy to man, through competitions, into the hospital, on the road, and at home. The story of a career that spans the birth and rise to glory of professional mountain bike freeride competition is told first-hand, by friends and family, and by Cleek, who filmed Zink for a number of years leading up to his most recent exploits at Red Bull Rampage and culminating with his attempt at a world-record back flip. Viewers will recognize some of the footage, but most of ‘Reach for the Sky’ is fresh or yet to be published archival material. ‘Reach for the Sky’ is a must see for Cam Zink fans – and for anyone who loves mountain bikes. It’s one hell of a story. – RC
The evening will also have raffle prizes, Sensus giveaways and a chance to meet some famous faces! Tickets Here. Tickets £8.00/£5 concessions. More information can be found on the Hookit Products Facebook.