Cut Gate – fix the Bog of Doom!
Ride Sheffield has been working closely with Keeper of the Peak and Peak District MTB this year on a Cut Gate project, looking at the possibility of sensitive repair work to the Bog of Doom.
We’re now pleased to announce that the BMC have included this Cut Gate project in “Mend our Mountains”, a nationwide campaign to raise 1 million pounds for various maintenance tasks across the UK’s National Parks.
The target for Cut Gate is £75,000, to be used for sensitive repair works to improve drainage and surfacing at the Bog of doom. This will give a clear, sustainable route in wet weather and allow the moorland habitat to recover. Think short sections of flags, only where required – we’re not looking to sanitise or change the character of the trail! These works will also allow the local moorland to recover, once trail users stop diverting further and further around the wet and muddy sections.
We’re over the moon with the way this collaborative project has come about. We’re working with the BMC, Peak District National Park Authority, Moors for the Future and other trail user groups. It’s been a great way for Peak District MTB and Ride Sheffield to work together too – mountain bike groups taking the initiative and leading the way.
This campaign needs your support, so please give all you can. The BMC is running national fundraising and approaching corporate funding options, but we think this is a campaign where mountain bikers can show that we do care for the landscape.
You can choose to donate to the central Mend our Mountains pot, or to the individual Cut Gate campaign.
We’re also looking for help from businesses and other bodies – if you think you know of a company who can help, then please let us know. Perhaps they can help with donations, sponsoring a section or maybe with some prizes for the crowdfunder that will launch in 2018.
To donate, please click here for the Mend our Mountains website, or you can see the Cut Gate project page here.
We’ve also set up a separate website for the Cut Gate campaign, which you can see here. Keep an eye out there for updates and news.
Photos with big thanks to Sim Mainey @ Radventure