RADmires News….

Here at Ride Sheffield, we’re very hot on Health and Safety so can I ask everyone reading this to put down any hot cups of tea, sharp implements, chainsaws and the like? Last thing we want is any nasty injuries when you hear our news….which is that we’ve just received a donation of £22,500 pounds towards the RADmires project!!
Yes, you heard right. Based right in the heart of Sheffield, Vulcan Engineering have pledged £22,500, half the money required to complete the RADmires trail. They heard about Lady Canning’s, the fact that it was crowd-funded and that Ride Sheffield were using the same method to fund the next project and decided we were a cause worth supporting.
Which means, ladies and gentlemen, that if we all raid the piggy bank and check down the back of the sofa, we will soon be in a position to seal the deal with Sheffield CC and the Peak District National Park. This really is an exciting propect with the greater gradient in the Redmires Plantation ensuring that this will be a treat to ride. Dig deep people and we can start digging for real!