Lady Cannings is One!

Time flies when you are having fun, especially when that fun is beautifully flowing singletrack that is on your doorstep. Growing from a fledgling project that was actually discussed at the very first Ride Sheffield Meeting six years ago, it is now part of the fabric of the city and one of the most used trails in the area!
With almost 14,000 runs down it recorded on Strava, this really only tells part of the story, firstly because that is only one app and a lot of people do not use any form of tracking app at all, so my statistician friends will be able to give me a much higher estimate. But really its not the numbers that are important, its how people feel about the trail and how it has impacted on their riding. Its great that it has provided an access point for more people into the sport, that it offers a place to progress your riding before heading further out into the Peak or into Greno or Wharncliffe. That it has taught us that a little flow in our lives is a great supplement to our gritstone diet. Some of the best things that we have seen up there have been the number of families and kids up on the trail. We have even heard of a few kids using the trail for their birthday parties (which is an improvement on bowling!) Sure we have had a couple of little teething problems, but in general it has been a great first year.
And don’t forget this has been made possible by you, Sheffield’s awesome mountain bike community. Funded by you, built by local trail builders Bike track and maintained by you on Ride Sheffield trail days and most importantly of all ridden and loved by you.
It just goes to show what we can achieve for mountain biking in this city; remember this is just the start! By this time next year, thanks to the funding from Go Outdoors there will be over double the amount of trails in the woods. Not too mention out latest crowdfunder for RADmires too
So get out there and have a ride and a slice of cake for us today and if you had a good one you may want to donate to the trails here too