Over-Ride Ladies
Feeling inspired by all the women racing at Peaty’s Steel City DH and at Stilettos on Wheels, Jacquie from Over-Ride CycleWorks is going to be running some women’s only rides. I will leave it to her to tell you more…..
Over-Ride Ladies (Fun and Relaxed Beginners MTB and XC Cycling Group for Women in and around Sheffield. )
Hi, this is Jacquie! I’m half of Over-Ride CycleWorks (the new bike shop at 284 Shalesmoor). I am interested to know if there are any other like- minded ladies out there who would like to ride with me. When I say “like-minded”, I mean maybe a beginner, not very confident, not confident on the road, don’t know how to change a tyre, feel intimidated joining as established group, feel they’d slow the lads down if they rode with them, busy with work/kids, used to ride but got out of the habit, would like to ride but would like company, need the motivation of being part of a group, don’t know where to go, want to work on their fitness…………
If any of this sounds like you, I’d love you to get in touch. You can find me on Twitter (@MrsOverRide) Facebook (Over-Ride CycleWorks) text (07846529297) or email (Jacquie@over-ride.co.uk) You could call the shop, 0114 2728518, but that will involve my husband passing a message to me if I’m not there… I’ll leave that one up to you : )
I am forming a group called Over-Ride Ladies. I am aiming to have between 2 and 4 rides a month. Mainly, nice, easy trails then later, hopefully Sunday trips further afield e.g. Sherwood Pines! I will vary the time and day to suit as many people as possible.
I’ll organise occasional events in the shop for us e.g. talks on bike maintenance, road safety, personal safety, health and fitness, charity events or anything else that people feel they would like information on.
You don’t need any fancy kit, just a bike (and I would say helmet). It’s also going to help to have transport.
Please share this information with your friends and colleagues.
I’ve planned a few rides to get us going, after that it’s down to everyone to chip in.
The first Ride will be an evening one – Monday 3rd June, 7.30pm Meeting place, outside café in Endcliffe Park. Up to “cardiac hill” and back, approx. 1 hour.
Second – Tuesday 18th June 10.30am. Monsal Trail. near Bakewell. Meeting place TBC 1 hour plus cuppa!
Third – Sunday 7th July Rother Valley Country Park. Meeting Place – the café at 1pm
And hopefully some ad hoc ones in between if people can’t make all of these and want to stay in touch.
If you know any other great places to go, please let me know!
Let’s do it!
Jacquie x