Moving Forward: Logo and Tee’s
You might have noticed a few changes to Ride Sheffield over the past few weeks, not the lack of web updates or the fact that we have got a bit of a tan over the last couple of days! More that we have a new logo, which leads on to a couple of other changes too!
We are very fortunate to have lots of talented people who are involved with Ride Sheffield on lots of different levels, often they are lending us their time, but sometimes they lend us their skills too! In this case we had Yorkshire’s fastest graphic designer Rich Norgate helping out.
After a few complaints that our logo was confusing, because it looked like a Bridleway sign (that was the idea!) it seemed like it was time for a bit of a change; so after a chat with Rich about what we wanted, he came up with a selection of designs showing what we do. You will have seen his work in a few places, but notably on the pump clips and bottles of Magic Rock Brewery and the Sheffield’s very own Steel City Media too. If you like what you see, head over to for more info.
So now that we have a new logo it meant that we could do a little more with it too. So you can now get hold of Ride Sheffield t-shirts from all good local bike shops (18 Bikes, Bike Tree and Over-Ride CycleWorks). All money that is raised from the T’s goes straight back into the trails with no shops taking a cut on them, so the majority of your £10 will be going into the Lady Cannings Trails Fund. Not only that, you will be able to get stickers in all those shops too!
T-Shirts come in blue, green and black and we have men’s and women’s T’s too. We may even do a batch of kids ones in the next run if there is the demand too.
So if you want to show a little Ride Sheffield love get yourself a Tee!
We are still raising money through the usual channels for the Lady Cannings Trails Fund too, so if you haven’t donated yet you can do it like this…..
How to donate – You can either fire across your money via internet banking to the Ride Sheffield account using the following details:
RIDE SHEFFIELD 40-31-02 91574205
Account is with HSBC.
Or you can donate via Paypal. The address for Paypal payments is