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John H has just had a chat to one of the Sheffield Wildlife Trust wardens and it appears that persons unknown have taken a saw to a gate on a footpath that has recently been used by mountain bikers. Now, it’s difficult not to draw the obvious conclusion that this has been done to remove an obvious obstacle and ‘improve the riding experience’. I could be wrong, it could be a deranged walker, but knowing the trail, I think it’s highly unlikely.
Sheffield Wildlife Trust have been consistent Ride Sheffield allies and this kind of behaviour does mountain bikers absolutely no favours. If you spend five years building a relationship with a land manager it’s a real pisser when someone does something thoughtless and jeopardises all that hard work.
So please, please, PLEASE don’t do dumb rubbish like this and if you know who has, give them a kick from us and maybe tell them to repair what they’ve done?