Digging Dates for your Diary
In the past we have been a bit short notice on our digging days, so from now on we will try to get dates in on a quarterly basis.
We also want to be clear on what we do too. So if you seen that we are doing a Dig Day, that means we are working on bike specific trails. That will often mean more technical work and are a good way to learn your craft in trail work. These will usually be on the second saturday of the month. If we are doing a Trail Day that means we will be working on rights of way. This work may be done solely by ourselves or in partnership with the Wildlife Trust, Eastern Moors Partnership, SCC etc.
We will put up information on here nearer the time as a reminder and to give exact locations and times, we will also put up events for those Facebook users. We will provide tools, but if you have extras they are always welcome.
Trail Day 28th September – Houndkirk/Jumbles Road – This day is being organised by Tread Lightly and is routine maintainance and drainage work to cut down on the winter puddles etc – here are the details from them – The plan is to meet at the Ringinglow end of the track around 10am, and work until around 6 (weather and tiredness permitting). Could you bring waterproof clothing, work gloves and tools for your own use (spades and sturdy rakes are good and last time Sam brought a mattock, which was very handy). A packed lunch is good too. – please email clare_hamer@hotmail.com if you plan to attend
Dig Day 12th October – Greno Woods – This work will be on the new Greno trails and will be aimed at repairing damage done by people riding the newly dug trails and getting older sections up to scratch again after a heavy summers use.
Trail Day 2nd November – Blacka Moor – This work will be done with the Wildlife Trust on Piper House Gate to improve the drainage on the bridleway and to carry pre winter maintainance
Dig Day 10th November – Greno Woods – This work will be on the new Greno trails and will be aimed at getting everything ready to get the trails to the standard needed to sign them up.
Dig Day 7th December – Parkwood Dig, Pud and Pint – A festive special up at Parkwood springs. Come and give it a little Christmas love and get a pudding or mince-pie in return for your hard work as well as a pint (or age appropriate drink!) to reward yourself with afterwards
As ever we are fortunate enough to be supported by Big Stone who supply us with lunch for those who let us know they will be attending the days
See you on the trail