Cut Gate – Collaboration with Peak District MTB
As we head into Autumn and Winter, a regular topic of conversation on social media and MTB websites is “has anyone ridden Cut Gate recently?” Most of us are aware of the boggy areas over the top, choosing to avoid riding Cut Gate when conditions aren’t suitable.
This year seems to have seen this section remaining almost constantly soggy, with riders and walkers taking ever growing detours around the bog.
Nobody wants to see trail conditions worsen, land managers, landowners, walkers, riders alike. Ride Sheffield have partnered with Peak District MTB to work together and see what, if anything, can be done. User education and communication is key, but perhaps there is an option for trail maintenance.
We’ve started by opening conversations with appropriate bodies and other user groups, in order to make further connections and open conversation regards Cut Gate.
There’s certainly no guarantee that this will lead to anything, but Ride Sheffield and Peak District MTB are keen to show that mountain bikers are responsible and conscientious trail users. By leading the conversation, we hope that this puts local riders in a positive light – not just regards Cut Gate, but about access and riding in general.
Don’t hold your breath, but we’ll keep you posted should there be any further news.