Cotic Women of Steel/ Ride Sheffield Trail Day 16th October
Ride Sheffield have joined up with Cotic Women of Steel to put on a women-only trail maintenance day on Blacka Moor on 16 October.

The event is aimed at encouraging more women to learn about trail maintenance requirements and techniques and will hopefully (if we get enough interest / don’t scare everyone off on the first session!) be the first in a series.
For this session, we will be working on Blacka Moor bridleways, repairing trails and improving drainage before the winter. We will also be looking at how bikes, horses and walkers use the trails to try to understand the best way to make the repairs work for everyone (so no, we won’t be building any gap jumps or kickers…)
Spaces are limited on this session, so if you’re interested, please contact for details, or check out the Cotic Women of Steel Facebook for further details too

We will provide tools as well as some snacks too. But if you can bring your own drinks and dress appropriately for the work that would be great.