Curbar/Froggatt Bridleway Nears Completion….
After a couple of years hard work by the Eastern Moors Partnership (EMP), the plan to create a new bridleway running the full length of Froggatt and Curbar edges is nearing fruition. All the necessary permissions are in place and it’s hoped that signage and gates can be installed ready for the trail to open in April.
Owing to the incredibly bad weather, repairs to some particularly muddy sections may have to wait until next autumn but the plan is still to open the bridleway as soon as possible.
It’s important to remember that there will be a transitional period as walkers get used to bikes on what was formerly a footpath. So keep the speed down around walkers, let them know you’re coming and keep smiling and it may be a good idea to avoid the trail on busy Sundays and bank holidays when it will be packed.

Combined with the new Barbrook Valley bridleway and the forthcoming bridleways on the Longshaw Estate, this will add up to a fantastic circuit stretching all the way from existing routes on Totley Moor to Houndkirk Road.
At present, the exit at the Froggatt end is onto the busy A625 at a particularly dangerous corner. However, the EMP team have a plan for that too. Discussions have begun to create a brand new path that will allow cyclists, horse riders and walkers to exit further up the A625 towards the Grouse Inn – a much safer option. Updates on the situation will appear here and on the Facebook page.