Peak District MTB Rider Survey
As part of our continued efforts to try to persuade Derbyshire County Council that their efforts to maintain their rights of way network is not only detrimental and inappropriate to the landscape in the National Park, as well as something making the rights of way less safe for all. We are also trying to point out that their efforts may well have impacts that they may understand a little better!
The financial benefits that Mountain Bikers (as well as all the other outdoor activities) bring to the Peak District is pretty great and some groups such as PASA (Peak Adventure Sports Alliance) are already starting to use this as a way of lobbying the Peak Park. Given the numbers of us mountain bikers who ride out of Sheffield, live in the Peak and visit from afar, it seemed like a good ide to see what we are bringing to the Peak financially. So Will Blomfield has created this survey for us…
Peak District MTB Rider Survey
More from Will…
Our objective in carrying out this quick survey is to try to gauge the economic impact that mountain biking brings to the Peak and gather views on trail maintenance. This information will help Ride Sheffield in framing their discussions with the various organisations that manage the Peak district on behalf of residents and visitors, including mountain bikers.
So please if you have time (it only takes a couple of minutes) fill in the survey and share it with your riding groups too.