Aviva Community Fund
Ride Sheffield is asking riders near and far to support our project for better trail maintenance in and around Sheffield, as part of the Aviva Community Fund.
Our application has made it through the first round and now relies on your votes to increase our chance of winning £25,000 to put our maintenance plan into place.
We’re aiming to establish working groups around Sheffield, with volunteers and Ride Sheffield committee members working alongside each other to improve both purpose built trails and existing rights of way. We’d like to do this with proper systems in place, with training, tooling, materials all taken care of.
To give your support to Ride Sheffield, please click on the link below. You can read the details of our maintenance and then vote to give your support!
Ride Sheffield project for the Aviva Community Fund
Please spread the word – the more votes we get, the more chance we have to get through to the final selection!