Winter Social – Tuesday 19th November
Next Tuesday 19th of November we will be taking up our usual position in the back room of the Lescar from 7.00pm onwards for our winter social. Its going to include the usual stuff such as the bike jumble and the quiz, but we are going to have a bit of a different take on the AGM style bit of the meeting.
Rather than having people telling you what is going on. We will be giving you to discuss the direction you would like to see us moving in the next year or so. We will be giving you a very brief update on what we have been up to (to keep it even shorter, you can read all about it here
We will be breaking it down into two sections Access and Trail Building. We will give a quick introduction and then guide the discussion through what we have done well, what we need to improve on and what we should be focussing on next year. Representatives from SCC and the other groups we work with will be there to help too.
As well as the meeting, we will be having the quiz and raffle and will be updating you on prizes on Facebook and Twitter.
See you there….