Wimble Holme Make-over Continues

Lots of new faces at the latest dig day but, unfortunately, the same old weather. A brisk North Westerly breeze ensured there was only one way to keep warm and that was to push the barrow as fast as possible. Thankfully, there was plenty of barrowing to be done and Ride Sheffield’s volunteers threw themselves into the fray with gusto. Further wood buttressing was added to prevent the trail disappearing down the hill and the ribbon of resurfacing has now reached the point where only a couple of days hard barrowing and raking is required to see the project complete. The Eastern Moors Partnership team from the RSPB/National Trust, Rachel, Danny and Kim, gave up another sunday to provide technical input and tea and were enormously grateful for the hard work Team RS put in. Thanks to all those who turned up and, you never know, one day we might get to do some digging with the sun on our backs!