Trail Work In Greno Woods
Things have been a little quiet on the trail repair and construction side of things for a while as conditions have been rather sub optimal for getting the job done! But with weather improving its time to dust the spades and mattocks down and get back out their and get digging!
Greno woods is our main project at the moment and that is where we will be concentrating our efforts for the next couple of months. Greno is on the way to being another great little spot to ride your mountain bike; but unfortunately freshly dug trails constructed during second wettest year on record, that have seen a huge amount of traffic on them have taken a bit of a hammering! So the plan will be to get them back into shape in time for them to be baked dry for good (we cross our fingers!).
In order to get the Steel City Track up and running well before the race on the 4th of May, we will be starting on that track first and once the race is done we will turn our attention to the other tracks in the woods
Evening Digging: In the run up to the race we will be holding a weekly Tuesday night dig session. Come find us on the trail from five pm till about half seven. We will be doing all the minor jobs such as clearing the trail corridor, clearing out drainage etc on these evenings to allow us to get the most out of the work we will do on Sunday the 28th.
We also ask that people avoid riding the track on those evenings
Sunday Session: On Sunday 28th of April we will be up on the track from 1030 – 1530 We will be closing the track on the sunday and it will remain closed until race day this allows us to get the bulk of thew work done as well as make a couple of more structural changes to the trail. If you plan to come on any day, Sunday will be the day when extra help will be more than welcome (as well as a couple of extra wheel barrows)
As ever we will provide tools (but if you have your own please bring them) as well as lunch on the Sunday sessions kindly provided by Big Stone (please notify us of your attendance by email or on the Facebook invites)
After the race we will continue with evening dig sessions, though probably on a less frequent nature as well as a monthly sunday dig day too. Once we are happy that the standard and safety of the trails are up to scratch, we will be putting the signs up to mark the MTB specific trails, as well as offering a complete XC style loop you will be able to follow too. After that we will settle into a regime of maintainance with the occasional additions of machine built trails when finances allow. We plan another phase of digging after the next race.
A condition of the development of trails in Greno, is that we only dig on sanctioned days, so please do not dig or alter the trails unless you are doing it with us. Thanks
If you have any questions please get in touch in the usual ways