Trail Builders Wanted for Research Project
Mountain biking differs in lots of way to many sports, one of which is our ability to sculpt our playground to create places to ride that compliment the rights of way that give us access to swathes of the countryside.
For some, building trails gives us a deeper connection with the dirt, a better understanding of how things flow, even a closer relationship with nature!
We had a message from a researcher/lecturer at Sheffield Hallam James Cherrington who is looking to talk to mountain bikers who also dig! If this is you and you are interested in helping please get in touch with James.
Full details below……
I am currently recruiting participants to take part in a study around the experiences/motivations of people who build mountain bike trails in England. Specifically, I am really interested in their relationship with nature and dirt, and the tensions that exist between digging and public access.Participants would be required to take part in an informal 30-60 minute interview regarding the issues listed above, which would take place either in person (depending on location) or over the phone, and the identity of anyone involved will remain strictly confidential.As well as being published in academic publications, the contributions made by participants will also contribute to debates about mountain bike access in England, and I am fortunate to have had a great deal of interest from mountain bike advocacy groups who are keen to use this information to improve, preserve and promote access interests for mountain bikers across the country.