Totley Hall Park Pump Track
In yet another thing Ride Sheffield have been involved in, Cy from Cotic Bikes led a project in which Cotic and Big Stone put up half the money to refurbish the derelict BMX track at Totley Hall Park into a pump track. Ride Sheffield were involved as we had to bid for grant funding from some local City trusts in order to raise 25% of the budget when the Council could only supply 25% themselves.
We went through quite a process with this, meeting with Councillors and Council Officers, having a very successful public consultation with the local residents. It’s been educational! We even had a member of the local Rotary Club involved helping identify places to bid for grants and writing applications, without whom we wouldn’t have got the
project off the ground. Thanks Roger!
It took a lot of work, and a lot of meetings and a lot of
applications, but we were successful and in late February the boys at Biketrack were given the order to go ahead by the Parks and Countryside department of Sheffield City Council. It’s great facility to have on this side of town, and it’s surprisingly big with a variety of lines. We’ve been very happy to see a lot of local kids down there using it as well as people coming from further afield so it’s already a success. It’s still bedding in at some points on the track, so we’ll probably have to get down there for a maintenance day before the big
public opening (the Councillors are very keen on this kind of thing), but it’s totally rideable and a lot of fun.
The track is in Totley Hall Park, S17 4BD.
Next project to tackle after this is the Lady Cannings Crowd Funding project we wrote about a couple of weeks ago. The donations are still coming in which is amazing, but we need more. Please, if you haven’t chucked in some cash, get involved. We’ve raised nearly £3,000 so far, but that means we’re still some way short of our £7,500 target. You
can either fire across your money via internet banking to the Ride Sheffield account using the following details:
Account is with HSBC.
Or you can donate via Paypal. The address for Paypal payments is
If you can spare more than a tenner, amazing, send it over. If you can spare £20, £50, incredible! If you can’t, send a couple of quid; it all helps. If you’re totally strapped, keep an eye on the Ride Sheffield website and come and put some spade work in when we need to finish the trail off. Be a part of the project in any way you can and we can get this trail built.
For all the info on Lady Cannings, check out the stories in Ride Sheffield: