Stanage Saga Continues….
….but on this occasion, the meeting was pretty much an unqualified success. As we’ve reported before, the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) is in the process of formulating a new management plan for Stanage that deals with a serious funding shortfall. Ride Sheffield, as one of the founder members of the Stanage Forum Steering Group, has been involved throughout. An open meeting in March was attended by a good cross-section of those for whom Stanage is a very special place and their passion made a not inconsiderable impression on the national park employees who are charged with coming up with the new plan.
The latest meeting was intended to take that passion and turn it into something more concrete and, sure enough, through a series of workshops the outline of a management strategy began to emerge. The important lesson was that those user groups involved in the process can only lay down the ground rules – that Stanage is a special place, should remain so with as few impediments to free access as possible while ensuring that important habitats and heritage are preserved. Dealing with the funding crisis caused by serial underfunding by successive governments is down to the officers of the PDNPA, not users.
Rest assured Ride Sheffield isn’t going to take its eye off the ball. As soon as there’s a draft plan for consultation we’ll report back.