Ride with Peaty for RADmires
As part of the RADmires fund raising we’re offering two really cool experiences for people to get involved with.
Firstly, Ride With Peaty at RADmires. We are offering 10 lucky people the chance to ride with Steve and be the first riders outside of the project team to ride the RADmires trail. Each rider will meet Steve, ride around the Stanage and RADmires area, and probably get in a cheeky pint afterwards. They also get a signed Ride Sheffield T Shirt made out to them from the man himself. All this for just £200 per rider, and the warm glow of knowing you have helped make an awesome trail happen.
Secondly, Hope Technology have offered the chance to tour their factory in Barnoldswick, so we’re offering 8 of you a place for just £150. Again, all proceeds go straight to the RADmires fund.
Hope will show us round the factory, we’ll see the Design Offices, Test lab, Milling, Turning, Laser cutting, Polishing, Anodising, Wheel building and much much more.
Both of these incredible experiences are available now on a first come, first served basis. Email info@ridesheffield.org.uk and the first emails received will get first dibs on a place. Once your donation to the fund has been received, you will be confirmed on your experience, either the ride, or the tour, or both!
If you can’t stretch to £200 or £150 for either of these opportunities, just donate whatever you can via
Ride Sheffield Bank Details:
Or you can donate via Paypal. The address for Paypal payments is:
You can even set up a small monthly donation here:
Currently we have just over £7000 in the fund. We need £45,000 to make this happen in Spring 2017.
Give us yer money!!
Ride Sheffield