Ride Sheffield Social
Next monday the 26th of November will be our third social night, it’s going to be at the Lescar on Sharrow Vale road and will be starting at 7.30pm
It kicks off with a bike jumble, so bring along any old parts that you no longer have use for and brush up on your haggling skills, it also gives you time before th meeting kicks off ay 8pm
The plan for the meeting is loosely as follows (it may change slightly)
- Ride Sheffield Catch Up – What we have been up to this year, news on Fox Hagg, Greno Woods, Blacka, Lady Canning, Eastern Moors, Sheffield Moors, Parkwood Springs, digging plans and more! What we have been doing to make things better for you and what we have planned for the coming year
- Sam Beeton – Sheffield City Council PROW Officer – Update on work done this year and plans for next year
- Cy Turner – Totley Pump Track
- Danny Udall – Eastern Moors Partnership – Updates
- Stilettos On Wheels – Women’s racing and riding news
- Mike Rhodes – Peak District National Park Authority – News on mountain biking in the park
- Rother Valley Country Park – News on Planned Developments, what’s being built and racing back in the park
- Roy Mosley – Sheffield Wildlife Trust – Greno Wood Circuit
- Funding the future plans…
- Questions
It will then be followed at about 9.15pm by the (hoping to soon be) legendary bike pub quiz, which will hopefully include a few surprises too.
We have, as ever been very fortunate to be very well supported by the local mountain bike community and have some fantastic prizes for the quiz and the raffle that have been supplied by… The Bike Tree, The Bike Garage, 18 Bikes, Marmot, J E James, Langsett Cycles, Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative, Vertebrate Publishing, Duncan Phillpott Photography and Richard Baybutt Photography
All money raised will go to Edale and Woodhead Mountain Rescue Teams
So if you want to find out about what is going on for mountain biking in Sheffield for the next year or so, catch up with new friends, make some new ones and even stand a chance of going home with some fantastic prizes, we’ll see you monday!