Mountain Biking at Parkwood Springs
As one of Sheffield’s worst kept secrets, you have probably already heard that MTB circuit up at Parkwood has pretty much been completed now and pretty awesome it looks too. After lots of hard work for Sheffield City Councils Jon Dallow and Bike Tracks, official opening pegged for the end of September, you don’t have long before you can go and ride it.
While the track looks pretty much competed, the work is still ongoing with tweaks and finishing touches being put in currently. To make sure that the track stays in its very best state for as long as possible, please do not go and ride the track as it needs adequate time to bed in, also sections of the trail have not had their second whakering either. It also means that there is heavy plant on the site most days.
There will be some test events being held at the site to give feedback on the trail and to allow some bedding in. We will keep you posted about these when they occur.
As well as these sessions, Activity Sheffield along with CTC, Recycle and Sustrans are running MTB skills sessions for kids up at the site using some of the trail. If you have kids who would be interested in this, full details are below.
Contact them for details and to compete a consent form.
For now keep your eyes peeled for test events and we will let you know the official opening date when we hear more. Lastly we have a little bit of information for you when the trails open. Can’t wait!
Tel: 0114 2202020