Look Out DCC, We’re A Comin’ For you!

They’re the local council we all love to hate and Ride Sheffield have been bursting blood vessels aplenty trying to get them to listen. So far though, in spite of our best efforts, they’re copping a deaf ‘un.
So, time for a new initiative. Two eager Ride Sheffield members, Adam Simmonite and Will Blomfield, have agreed to take up the cudgels on our behalf. The plan is to find out where the pressure points are in Derbyshire County Council, (at the top we’re thinking) and find ways of getting them to take the mountain biking lobby seriously. Equally important will be input from Peak District MTB who, as residents of Derbyshire, have much more clout with local councillors.
So, watch out for further information in the near future. We’ll be aiming to deluge DCC with letters of complaint, explain that the economic case for mountain biking is irrefutable and demand they stop obliterating our trails!!