Lady Canning’s – Just a little Something to Keep You Occupied….
Thanks to extraordinary work in appalling conditions by BikeTrack, we now have even more rad trail to play on. Carefully camouflaged for some time now, the GoOutdoors funded section, provisionally called Cooking On Gas, is now open for your delectation. Simply ride to the top of the plantation and, where you’d normally turn right on the forestry road, turn left for a slice of perfectly sculpted loveliness.
Divided into four sections, it has a distinct character all its own, markedly different to Blue Steel. Once again blue in grade, it still incorporates some big features, so there’s fun for everyone.
It crosses fire roads in a number of places, so take it steady and watch out for other users. Take it easy on the first couple of runs, sighting not exciting!
Finally, don’t forget. If you love this as much as we hope you do, please consider putting some cash in the ongoing trail fund so that we can look after what we’ve got and build more at Redmires. Details HERE.
Have fun!!!
Big thanks to GoOutdoors for making this possible. They have supported Ride Sheffield through thick and thin and without them, this simply wouldn’t have been possible.
Next round of applause goes to Sheffield City Council who, in the form of Jon Dallow, have gone the extra mile to make this happen. Chapeau.
And last but definitely not least, BikeTrack. What a trail! Best blue in the country?