June’s Trail Day – Blacka
This month for our trail day we will be teaming up with Sheffield Wildlife Trust to help with some of their work on Blacka.
We may also have a couple of impromptu evening trails sessions, which we will post up on the Facebook.
Full details below….
The next volunteer work day is on Saturday 4th June and we will be installing some of the new Finger and Waymarker posts and carrying out some maintenance work on the cross drains on the Bridleway going down to Strawberry Lee Lane car park.
We will bring gloves, tools and refreshments as usual but please remember to wear rough clothes, sturdy footwear and bring waterproofs, sun cream, lunch and water. I’ve haven’t spotted any midges yet but you might want to bring some repellent just in case.
I will be running the session so please can you meet me at in the usual place, Stony Ridge Car Park car park (SK 29581 80251) at 10am. Please ring me on 07964745451 if you arrive after 10am and need to find me.
Thanks Hannah
Please not that we will not be providing lunch for this one. But please email us if you attend so we can update the incentive scheme, as a lot of people have been to quite a few days so far!