Greno Woods Trails Update
After the initial track build that started back in March this year to construct the Steel City Mini DH track; work started on the rest of the trails last week with back up there crafting fantastic flowing trails. And from what I saw up there last night its going to be an amazing addition to Sheffield’s trails.Work is being done to improve and maintain the steel city track as well as on two other downhill sections in the woods. The aim of the work is to maintain the characteristics of the trails, whilst enhancing the flow and improving the drainage and sustainability of the trails.
Work has started on the trial, but it is going to be completed over several stages, so you may well find that some sections get completed before others, or even find dead-end trails in the woods. Please be patient as the work is going on, it will be worth it in the long run! Most of the trails are open at the moment but please be aware of a few points…..
- If a trail head is closed off, it is closed off for a reason – please wait for the trail to be properly open before riding it
- The monsoon months have been a little longer than expected this year, please give the new trails time to bed in and dry out. If it’s tipping it down, please give it a couple of days to dry out before you ride it (once it is dry and hardened it will become a lot more weatherproof)
- Watch out for machinery moving around up there and keep an eye out for warning signs
Once the digger work has been done, we will be having a couple of volunteer days up there to go and tidy things up; after that the Wildlife Trust are building a connecting climb in one section and then putting up the signs. Then the loop will be compete!
As ever massive thanks to (and particularly to digger driver Chegs’s for the hard work and vision) and the Wildlife Trust to allow all this to go ahead
We will keep you posted about further dig days and trail news as we move forward
Thanks – Ride Sheffield