Greno Trails Update

We know this one has been a little while coming, apologies but day jobs, riding bikes in the sun and a lack of actual concrete information to share have delayed it.
First to say that no one wants DH3 to be open more than we do, we know people are keen to ride it and excited, we are too!
The big thing that’s keeping us from opening the trail is the lack of rain this year. Since February we’ve had about two thirds of the average rainfall for that period and a lot of what has come down has been very heavy so it tends to run off not soak in. If you’ve been anywhere near Ladybower over summer you’ll have seen how low the resevoirs have been and still are now, this is all part of the same problem. Things are starting to improve as the summer ends and rain increases.
Most of the trail work is done, only final fettling is needed when conditions are right to finish, a couple of final weeks for it harden and then we’ll be good to go. We plan to hold a big day day to finish the trail as soon as conditions allow. We were hoping that would be late this month but the ground is still to dry. As soon as we get enought moisture down and forecast we’ll announce the date and get it booked in.
Sorry we can’t give a concrete date and that the trail has been closed for so long but if it had opened before the £15k we’ve invested in the work would’ve been destroyed in a few weeks and there’s no magic money tree to redo the work we’ve done this year for many years.
The good news is that Steel City is still very popular and given the conditions has held up amazingly well since it opened in May. There are some small patches that need repairs and we’ll hold a dig day to get as much of this as we can sorted after DH3 opens. We don’t want to have 2 trails closed at once so Steel City will have to wait a little while before we get to it.
Finally pub run, we’re still working on this one, we would love to give it a full rebuild too but funds are limited and we don’t currently have enough to do it. Give us some time and we hope to find a way, this wouldn’t be carried out until spring now anyway so we have a little time.
Please keep being patient folks, it’ll be worth the wait!