Greno Trails are officially open
After a lot of hard work over the past month all the trails in Greno woods are open and ready to ride. It has been a big job by local trail builders to get the three tracks back up to standard. All work that has been done is funded by Peaty’s Steel City DH and coordinated by us.
All the trails are surfaced with local material (everything used comes from the woods) and is the same as has been used in previous digs. While some sections of the track look a little smoother than before (when compared to just before they were closed), they are the same as when they were originally built and are now built to last. They will also rough up with time!
Main changes
- All track are surfaced with local material
- Old features (berms, jumps etc) have been checked and reshaped/built where necessary
- Some new features have been added
- drainage has been improved
- Steel City has a new optional black ending and has features that reflect this grading, including a couple of mini rock gardens and doubles (rollable)
- DH3 has had the first section reworked completely and now has a couple of corners and substantial rock gardens as well as having the take-off’s on some of the jumps reshaped
We will continue to run volunteer maintainance days on the trails and will be looking for a few local trail checkers to keep an eye on the trails and minor works up there when needed (we will post up more about this when we have full details and a benefits package).
So get out there and enjoy – but please bear in mind that there will be changes, so take your first runs steady.
Massive thanks again to everyone involved, Bike Track, Steel City Series Team and Steve Peat for his input on the design.