Bolehills Resurfacing
The bulk of the work has now been done at Bolehills, so now it is time to put the finishing touches in place. Some of this is going to be done by machines and directed by Biketrack, but there is still al lot of volunteer work to be done. So if you are free over the next couple of weekends, here is the information you need to know…
We’re having a last dig day before the surface comes, to generally tidy up the place and make sure we can lay surface as fast as possible.
– move any bricks into appropriate drainage holes
– remove run-in for last straight to enable far right of last straight to be ridden effectively
– use dirt to shape last straight right side
– create drain for pumptrack pro line berm to minimise water by raising level and installing pipe
– line drain from main drain to berm with bricks and cover with dirt
– shape 1st straight
Big resurfacing weekend. All hands on deck!
We have some spades/rakes/barrows but always can do with more so please bring your own too!
We have 150 tonnes of base&top surface to shift, rake, shape and whacker in a weekend. It’s going to be a big job but I’m sure we can do it!
Start 9am Saturday all day, then same again Sunday.
Tell your friends!
We will have T shirts for sale @ £15 each and stickers at £1 each – all proceeds to the track and it’s refurbishment & future improvements!