February Trail Day – Fox Hagg/Rivelin
We are back to our trail days after a break for Christmas we are back at it again, not only that but we will be returning to a new spot.
We have had quite a few requests to work on the Bridleway that runs from Fox Hagg to Rivelin Reservoir, namely the perma-bog at the end of the flat section before the descent down to the reservoir. It a SWT nature reserve so getting permission has taken longer than normal, but we are all good to go now.
We are planning on reopening the drainage and getting ride of the heavy organic matter and generally making sure it does not hold the water (and then the mud) like it currently does.
We will be meeting in Rivelin Reservoir Car Park at 1300 on Saturday the 4th of February and will be working for 2-3 hrs (you will find us up the trail if you want to come later). we will be providing tools, but feel free to bring your own spades etc as its always handy to have some extras. We will also bring some snacks, kindly provided by Shore-Lines, not to mention our incentive scheme
Please dress for the work, boots are highly recommend.
We hope to see you there on Saturday
Location: Fox Hagg/Rivelin Bridleway
Time: Saturday 4th February – 1.00pm onwards
Meet: Rivelin Reservoir Car Park
Tools all provided
Snacks provided, though you may want to bring your own drinks