Fancy Working on the Trans Provence?

We had a message from race director Ash, who is looking for a couple of extra people to work the event. If this sounds like something you would like to be involved in, full details are below…..
Hi Guys
Unfortunately, two of our camp & logistics team for the upcoming Mavic Trans-Provence have had to drop out, leaving us to seek two new staff members.
Younger people and students are welcome and I would generally be very willing to be a referee on a young person’s CV (plus TP could be a pretty interesting thing for someone aspiring for a role in project management to experience first hand, all the more if they’re into MTB). Older-than-student people welcome too. One of the jobs requires driving a pretty big panel van.
Help would be needed from Wednesday 17/09 until Saturday 27/09 (although 20/09 – 27/09 *might* work). It’s a tough week and a bit, but it’s a brilliant team to work on, and getting to meet and work for some of the best riders on the planet is pretty cool.
There is compensation but nobody’s going to be retiring off it. I will discuss this individually with those who put themselves forward. I can be reached on
Thanks in advance,

Younger people and students are welcome and I would generally be very willing to be a referee on a young person’s CV (plus TP could be a pretty interesting thing for someone aspiring for a role in project management to experience first hand, all the more if they’re into MTB). Older-than-student people welcome too. One of the jobs requires driving a pretty big panel van.
Help would be needed from Wednesday 17/09 until Saturday 27/09 (although 20/09 – 27/09 *might* work). It’s a tough week and a bit, but it’s a brilliant team to work on, and getting to meet and work for some of the best riders on the planet is pretty cool.
There is compensation but nobody’s going to be retiring off it. I will discuss this individually with those who put themselves forward. I can be reached on
Thanks in advance,
Ash Smith
Founder // Race Director