Emergency Location Service 112
Did a very wintry ride yesterday. Can’t remember being that cold for ages. Howling winds and sideways hail, but rather incredibly rode Cavedale with no dabs. Never done that before!!
However, the bad weather up in the Peak did remind me of a service I signed up to a while ago which I think all mountain bikers should get involved with. It’s the 112 service, the international emergency number. It works from any mobile phone like 999 does in the UK, but from whatever country you’re in you’ll always get through to their emergency services.
But, here’s the clever bit; if you text REGISTER to 112 and follow the instructions, once signed up whenever you ring 112 the emergency services can then access your phones’ GPS to locate your position. If you ring 999 or the number in whatever country you’re in they can’t do that. That is a huge step forward for safety in the hills. Be safe people. Get signed up!