Danny Hart then Where The Trail Ends at Buxton Adventure Festival
If you’re at a bit of a loose end on Sunday the 21st of October and want to hear a man from Redcar talking about bikes, then this could be your lucky day! Here’s more info from the Buxton Adventure Festival.
We’ve finally got Where the Trail Ends confirmed for the Buxton Adventure Festival on Sunday 21st October so the final Sunday night Downhill Demon session will have ITV Cycle Show presenter Anna Glowinski interviewing Danny Hart (Details here: http://www.buxtonadventurefestival.co.uk/danny_hart_downhilldemon.html)
After a brief interval we’ll then have the 80 min version of WTTE. It’ll be the 2nd only full length showing in the UK this year. (http://www.buxtonadventurefestival.co.uk/wherethetrailends.html)
On the Saturday morning for children & families there will also be a “Young Adventurer session” with trials biker Danny Butler introducing a series of shorts. (http://www.buxtonadventurefestival.co.uk/danny_butler_daredevil.html)
Tickets for the session are £10 full price but concessions and multi-savers are also available from Buxton Opera House.
For anyone who can’t make BAF there’s a chance to see the festival edit as part of the European Outdoor Film Tour in November. (Manchester 25th, Glasgow 26th, Bristol 27th and London on 28th).
Press release details on our websiteand plain text pasted below. (http://www.buxtonadventurefestival.co.uk/newsandblog/read_62846/baf-to-end-on-high-with-mtb-epic-where-the-trail-ends.html)