Trail Tool Boost for Ride Sheffield

The Peak District National Park Foundation has awarded Ride Sheffield with a £500 grant towards trail maintenance projects, resulting in the purchase of a new leaf blower.
The newly formed charity, the Peak District National Park Foundation, has been fundraising to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Peak District in 2021. Thanks to their efforts the optimistic target of £70,000 is now well within reach, and as part of this project Ride Sheffield has been able to invest in this game changing piece of equipment.

Leaf blowers have proven really useful for clearing trails of muck and mulch, making everything even more rideable, and keeping the trails as clear as possible through autumn and winter. Getting rid of the organic matter that rots down into mud means that we don’t have to scrape it off later in the year.
We’ve been able to borrow Sheffield City Council’s machines, but demand being high meant that availability hasn’t been great over the last couple of years. An extra leaf blower will be a huge help.
“It’s the little things that matter! Maintenance isn’t sexy or good at creating news headlines, but is at the heart of good conservation management and sustaining a high quality landscape. A place where wildlife can thrive alongside the people who want to enjoy ‘blowing the cobwebs’ away, be it walking, riding, running or just enjoying being in nature”
Jon Dallow, Sheffield City Council
Sheffield City Council are kindly testing and maintaining this blower for us and we’ll be sharing it with them to use when they have larger projects. Ride Sheffield will be getting out as much as we can to clear the trails we’ve built with the council at Parkwood and Lady Cannings, Sheffield Wildlife Trust sites like Greno, along with the bridleways dotted around the area.

“We’re delighted to have the ongoing support of Ride Sheffield to help look after the network of public bridleways and footpaths at Blacka Moor nature reserve. The recent purchase of a leaf blower with funding from the Peak Park Foundation will really help the volunteers keep the routes clear and in good condition over the autumn and winter.”
Nabil Abbas, Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust

We’re chuffed to have the support of the land managers we work alongside, along with the Peak District National Park Foundation and their grant money. Team work as it should be!
You can read more about the work of the Peak District Foundation and their work here