Trail Maintainence Days in Greno
Now that the trails are drying out after a long wet winter, it’s time to get out and give them a little tlc and get them running sweet for the rest of the year.
We are going to start our program of trail work up in Greno, but we will also be doing some trail days on the Eastern Moors and Blacka as well as helping prep the ground up in Lady Canning’s too (but more on that another time).
The first trail in Greno will be the Steel City Track, this is also to get it in tip top condition for this years race. There is a lot of routine maintenance to be done, which is pretty quick and easy and a couple of sections that may require closing the track for a few days too.
Like last year we will be running a series of evening dig sessions on a Monday. We will be in the car from about 5.30pm and on the trail afterwards. If you want to come along, please check the Facebook page to see if we are definitely going to be there and who is going to lead the digging! We will then get a pint in afterwards.
On Sunday the 27th of April, we will be having a whole day up on the trail from 10:30am – 3 pm (ish) followed by a ride. (We will post this up on the Facebook as an event nearer the time.)
We will provide tools for all the sessions, but if you have your own, please bring them. On the Sunday extra barrows or trugs will be really useful.
One last thing, please only carry out trail work on sanctioned did days and please respect any trail closures.
More dates on further Greno work and other trail sessions to follow….