Trail Days

A core part of Ride Sheffield’s work has been getting out and working on the trails, from Public Rights of Way to the MTB trails that we have developed over the past few year. We have always had a great response from the local riding community; it has also gone a long way in improving relations with other user groups and landowners too.
W have been a little quiet on this from of late, partly because we have been lucky enough to have had a pretty dry summer, but also we have been trying to develop a new way of working on the trails that would give us more flexibility and hopefully allow us to work better and more efficiently. We will aim to phase this new approach to working in over the next six months and will give a more detailed update at the Winter Social later this year.
Our main aim is to get out once a month and carry out some form of trail work (with a break in December and August). This will always take part on the second Sunday of the month, and we will announce the details of the trail day a couple of weeks in advance, so you will know where to go and what we are planning. We will also be developing smaller teams that will go out and carry out trail work as and when it is needed (we will post up more on this as the teams develop.
What to expect from a trail day
The reason we call them trail days, as oppose to dig days, it that quite often there will be very little digging involved, but the aim will always be to carry out the work that will benefit the longevity of the trail and its ability to deal with the changing seasons. That’s not to say that we wont be digging, more that the work is pretty diverse, and it is unlikely that we will be digging whole new trails!
We will normally aim to start at 10am and will work for 3-4 hrs depending what needs to be done. We will provide tools and will also provide lunch/refreshments as we are lucky enough to have our trail days supported by local importers Shorelines.
Next Dates
11th October – Lady Cannings Plantation. 10am Sheephill Rd Car Park
8th November – Blackamoor. 10am Shorts Lane
We will share it as an event on Facebook. If you can respond there or email us if you attending it helps us gauge for refreshments and tools. Thanks