Sky Rides: Ride Leaders Wanted
Sheffield is soon to be taking a step towards running Sky Rides in the city. Part of these mass participation rides is that they require a bit of help to run them. Here are more details that have been forwarded to us from Cycle Sheffield. If you are interested follow the link below…
The date they will start is still to be negotiated between the Council and Go Sky Ride.
The specific programme and the area it will cover is still to be decided as well.
Sky Ride will talk to anyone who has ideas for routes or routes already done etc
- Meanwhile they want to start recruiting a ‘Sheffield’ team of Sky Ride leaders
- The training course is free and takes one day
- On successful completion you get a British Cycling Ride Leader qualification.
- Ride leaders: have some admin to do; work with other ride leaders; should know the route; be able to do safety checks on bikes; be able to do some basic bike maintenance and 1st Aid.
- Ride leaders get: qualified; free membership of British Cycling; free Sky Ride kit; a payment for every ride they take part in.
- The payment is small and not a career salary; the essential qualities are enjoying cycling and getting others enthusiastic about cycling.
- So click on the link below and send in an expression of interest at
ShowArticle/Become-a-British- Cycling-Ride-Leader?retURL=% 2FNews
and if you ride in a club or group with friends and colleagues who may be interested please pass the message on!
Tags: Sky Ride