September Trail Day and Jam Session: Lady Cannings

It has been a great summer again and we have had some pretty prime trail conditions. But lots of prime riding in the dry and dust does tend to cut up the trails a wee bit. But hey, that all part of challenge and as long as we look after things then we get quality riding all year round.
So the time has come to put a little back into Lady Cannings on Sunday 29th September. We will be tidying up the loose material, pulling out the odd rock, a little bit of patching and building up a couple of the berms too and hopefully not too much litter picking.
And a Jam Session I hear you say? Well kind of! After a rather damp and cool start to summer we have a embarrassment of Blackberries and Bilberries lining the trail, so while trying to pick them on live trails is a bit of an extreme sport in itself, we figured we should make the most of closed trails by allowing a bit of fruit harvesting too.

So bring along your containers and we can do a bit of fruit picking on the way down. Also as an addition to the usual luch we provide, we will also bring some waffles and cream along to go nicely to go with your freshly picked berries. Feel free to take whatever you want home, we may even have a jam competition at this years social! Well you never know….
It is also a good chance to bring other family members along, who may not normally fancy a full day out on the trails. We will only be closing one trail at a time too, so there should be a chance to ride too.
Please dress appropriately for the work that we will be doing.
- Sunday September 29th from 10am to 2pm (Turn up at 0945 if you would like a quick trail work how too session)
- Meet in the car park on Sheephill Road or on the trails after
- Lunch will be provided – As well as waffles and cream for afters – please bring your own drinks – Thanks to Bike track for providing lunch
- Tools will be provided, but extras are always welcome
- Please dress appropriately for the work
- Please bring your own containers for fruit picking