Lady Cannings Closures

For this reason there will be a short term annual closure of both Blue Steel and Cooking on Gas Trails within Lady Cannings over the next few weeks to reduce impact and keep the trails sustainable.
Therefore the trails will be closed until the 25th of March (we will review at this point)
While the trails in Lady Cannings are built to withstand a lot of use in most conditions, the extreme cold and heavy rain will take its toll after a while (just look at how pot holed our roads get in winter). To have gone for a full all weather trail would have more than doubled the cost of the build and we are happy with a trail that is fantastic to ride more than 90% of the times.
During this annual closure there will be people up there working on the trail to ensure it is in great condition as well as checking the conditions of the trees and carrying out audits of the trail. Please don’t think that this will not apply to you! Riding it over the next couple of weeks will impact on the conditions of the trail, but the selfish actions of riders impacts on the reputation of riders in the city and jeopardises future trails and projects across the city.

The all weather trails at Parkwood Springs and in Greno Woods will remain open through out this period. There is also lots of other great rocky durable trails out in the Peak that are worth an explore too.
We will be holding a trail day on the weekend of the 24th/25th of March and to celebrate the reopening of the trail, not to mention (optimistically) the start of British summertime too. We will have a bit of a nicer lunch and drinks and a bit of a social ride too. We will announce more near the time.