Lady Cannings – Closure Updates
Sometimes things don’t always go to plan! Having Lady Cannings back up and running before Christmas would appear to be one of those things I’m afraid. Sorry!
With a promise that the foresters would be our of the woods by the beginning of December and reinstatement works penned into start this week have unfortunately sailed past us without any action. Not to mention that the trail and the woods have had more damaged caused to them that was planned for has meant that things have been pushed back even further!
So where is the good news?
Well it can’t all be bad can it! We will be rolling into 2017 with a fresh start and Bike Track will be on the ground to start the reinstatement, full of mince pies, fired up and ready to go! There will be a full and substantial reinstatement of the Blue Steel Trail as well as the Bridleway too. Once this is done they will be rolling into starting work on sections 2 and 3 of the Go Outdoors funded Lady Cannings loop (and may well even be delivering Lady C a sibling on the other side of the hill too later in the year!)
So what can you do to help?
- Please keep out of the woods for now! No one needs to have Christmas ruined by being stuck in the bog of despair!
- Please stay off any fresh cut trails, we will let you know when each phase is open, so unless you hear it from us then stay away. Thanks
- Come and help out – We will probably have a trail day to make sure that everything is all tidied up when things are looking closer to opening
- Spread the work about the closures