June Trail Evening: Lady Cannings – 26/06/2018
After a little break from our weekend trails day because, well its been rather dry and the trails are in great shape, which means more riding and less trail work.
But after a bit of a late start this year the vegetation has started to grow back a little, making some stretched of Lady Cannings delightful singletrack a little too narrow and single. So its time for a bit of a trim not to mention al bit of general TLC.
We will up at Lady Cannings on Tuesday the 26th of June, meeting in the car park at 6pm and carrying on until about 9 ish, followed by refreshments in the Norfolk arms afterwards. Hopefully we will be rewarded with a beautiful midsummers evening and enough of a breeze to keep the midges at bay!
The main plan is to cut back overgrown sections, rake/brush any loose patches and patch anywhere that needs it. We will bring tools but extra wheel barrows and lopers/secateurs are always handy.
We will not be bringing drinks and snacks out on the trail, so please bring with you water and anything you need to sustain yourself. Please dress appropriately for the work and don’t forget the midge repellent (we will pack some with out kit)
Please not that the trails will be closed while we are working, starting with Blue Steel and finishing on Cooking on Gas. All help is really appreciated.
Location: Lady Cannings
Time: Tuesday 26th June 6pm – 9pm
Meet: Lady Cannings car park on Sheephill Rd at 1800 or after that on the trail
Tools all provided (but extra wheelbarrows welcome)
Please wear clothing/footwear suitable for trailwork