Greno Woods Mini DH Track – Update
After a lot of hard work the new Mini DH track in Greno Woods is nearing completion and its looking good!
After lots of work and patience from the Wildlife Trust and a couple of moved deadlines finally got into the woods at the start of the month.
Working mostly on his own and sometimes working 12 hr days, digger driver Cheg got down to doing what do best; making fun, flowing and challenging trails. After a week and a bit of hard work, bike track handed it over to us to do the parts that mini diggers find hard to reach…
So last Saturday 45 willing volunteers turned up to start working on the next stage of the build. Getting down to the back (br)aching work of clearing away the moisture holding leaf mulch to expose the subsoil (and a lot of rocks in some places!)
All the workers were rewarded with lunch for their efforts which was kindly provided by Big Stone who provide lunch for all our dig days. Our order also provided amusement for the women in the sandwich shop who took a lot of convincing that we wanted that many sandwiches.
It was a long day for some, with a few people still being up on the track as the sun was setting. Big thanks to everyone that turned up
A couple of days later, were back up at the track to put some of the finishing touches down on the track and capitalizing on all the hard work that had been done to clear the track over the weekend.
So we are now left with what was promised, a fast rolling, flowy and fun track with enough tech to keep you thinking, not only that but it should be pretty sustainable too. The track is full of great features that come at you in very quick succession once you up the speed; meaning very few rest spots in a full run
Riding the Track
So right now we are happy for people to ride the track, but we just ask you to bear a few things in mind…
- The track is not totally finished, we will be getting up their to do a little tweaking, tidying and adding in additional drainage where it is needed
- You are doing so at your own risk!
- If it rains can people please stay off the track to give it a chance to settle properly and stop it getting cut up before it is fully bedded in.
- Please don’t modify the course, lots of thought has gone into it and it has been constructed by professional builders; if you can’t hit your lines you just need to practice more, not make new ones – thanks
- We have no more big days planned, but we will let you know if this changes
The official opening of the track will on the 21st of April for Peaty’s Steel City Downhill. See you there
Thanks to Sheffield Wildlife Trust,,, Steel City Series and Steve Peat for all their help with this project