Greno Woods Dig Day
For those that missed the update a few weeks ago, a new track has been built up in Greno Woods; this track will make up part of the planned XC loop in Greno, but it will also serve as a stand alone Mini DH track too.
The initial digging has been completed; big thanks have to go out to for doing all this. But now its down to us to get the track up to speed and ready to use as soon as possible. With Peaty’s Steel City DH running on it in just over a month, the plan is to get it running as sweetly as possible.
Date: Saturday 24th of March
Time: 1030 – 1530
Meet: In the Wharncliffe Car Park on Woodhead Rd by 1030 or down on the track from then on.
As per usual with Ride Sheffield dig days, Big Stone will be providing lunch and refreshments for all diggers, but if you’re a hungry type you might want to bring extra. We will have some tools, but if you can bring your own that would be great
To give us an idea of the turn out, if you are a Facebooker please could you let us know on the event invite if you are coming along.
For more information please get in touch
Look forward to seeing you there